We like to start things off by knowing the behind-the-person story. We love getting intimate and learning about what drives a person to be who they are. Let’s skip the small talk, and head right into some more passionate questions.

First, April, we love your personality! You are a kick-ass woman, and you aren’t afraid to show that. Have you always been the type of woman who does whatever she wants to do?

AR: Thank you so much! Looking back, yes. 100%.  I don’t let anyone stop me from doing what I want to do especially if it’s in the way of my happiness.

What are the steps you took in your life that led you to this point where you are now?

AR: Ah, there were many mistakes and failures honestly. It took me years of learning and growing. I’m the type to always be open to new opportunities and to always spread my wings. I believe that’s how you’re able to find what you’re passionate about and what makes you truly happy.

I’ve learned to deal with my childhood traumas, remove toxic people in my life, and focus on my spiritual journey to find who I want to become and what I want for myself.

It took a lot of work and it sure wasn’t easy but doing all of that and still believing in myself while moving forward brought me here and I wouldn’t change a thing. 🙂

Do you think you have to hide or filter yourself because of the norms that society creates?

AR: I used to. Before, I was cautious and afraid to embrace who I really am on social media because I was used to being that “ugly duckling”. I’ve always felt like I had to “fit in”. Being poor and dressed up as a tomboy, I was bullied many times before back in school.

My socializing skills were awful. I used to have anxiety whenever I was around people. Every time I walked; my head was down. Every time I had a conversation with someone, my eyes would wander around. Why? Part of it may be because I was afraid people would judge me because I wasn’t popular, bubbly, or pretty enough.

I felt like I had to always wear makeup and get dolled up everywhere I go, especially on social media. Lots of selfies and work out butt pics. (Which isn’t wrong!) but I only did that because I knew that everyone loves to see pretty girls with a big butt haha.

But now, I can be careless. I post what I want to post and do not care what others may think of me if I’m being ME.

And I’m not talking just about social media either. Whoever I am with, whenever I go, I will always embrace me no matter what.

April your profile says you travel quite often, where has been the most memorable experience you’ve had while on an adventure? 

AR: I would say, when I went to the Dominican Republic and went snorkeling in the ocean for the first time without a life jacket.

I was never a strong swimmer. In fact, I would panic if I couldn’t touch the ground in the pool, lake, or ocean.

When I was younger, I was canoeing, and it flipped. I was under the canoe for a long time and almost drowned. After that, drowning has been one of my fears and I refused to swim if it was deeper than 5”.

So, I decided, during my snorkeling trip, to jump off with just my mask and flippers. I didn’t want to be afraid anymore. My heart was beating out of my chest as I was swimming deeper in the ocean to the feed the fish, but I kept going.

I was so happy I did not want to stop swimming! I’ll never forget that experience.

Also where are you dying to go that you have not had a chance to experience yet?

AR: I would love to go to Asia. Visit my grandparent’s tombstone for the first time in Cambodia!

What is your dream collaboration and why? (.e.g brands, people)

AR: I don’t have a specific brand to collaborate with, but I would love to connect with as many people as I can in my life journey. No matter the brand. No matter the people. One of my passions and happiness in life is human connections. Those can be hard to find.

April, who or what inspires you?

AR: This question has always been difficult for me to answer. I never know how to really. Growing up I didn’t have anyone to look up to. My parents weren’t in the picture, and I lost my grandparents at a young age so I had to take responsibility at 12 years young.  But that being that, because I didn’t have parental guidance or anyone to look up to – it inspired me to be someone that my future kids can look up to and aspire to be.  I wanted to prove myself that I wasn’t going to be like my parents but an empowering one.

What do you like to do in your downtime?

AR: If I’m not training or painting/crafting I take lots of naps and binge watch movies/shows ha-ha.

April, give us some general words of wisdom to live by?

AR: The only person that controls your happiness is you. So don’t ever let anyone or anything stop you from doing what you want to do and stop you from being happy. You have full control of your life.

Tell us about your Etsy Shop the Zenly Creation:

AR: My shop is just there for backup honestly. Most of my work and income comes from commissions through Instagram. Communicating with clients directly.

My Etsy shop has some products that I’ve been building an inventory on since day 1 for anyone that prefers to shop through Etsy and for future fairs/events.

The strongman sport is quite intense, how do you find the daily motivation to stay at it and to continue to make strides within the sport?

AR: It sure is! I always have a goal when I’m training. Which helps a lot. I’ll keep track of my PRs (personal records) per event and remind myself that if I want to beat my record, I must keep training. No one else is going to do it for me.

I’m also a strongwoman competitor. I have 2 competitions coming up, one in February locally and another for strongman nationals in June!

So, I always train for a competition and that’s what helped me stay motivated for sure.

2020 and well 2021 were very difficult years for everyone. What kind of self-perspective do you think you’ve gained going through these tough times?

AR: Oh goodness. I’ve gained so much since the pandemic started.

The only person that can make you happy is yourself. I’ve said this before but I’m going to say it again but it’s 100% true. I’ve always known this was true but never truly mastered it till recently…

I used to fixate on “stuff”, relationships, friends, family, etc. to make me happy.

But I realized that, it doesn’t matter where you are in life, what you have, who you’re with, how much money you got, etc.… What matters the most is you understanding your true self. Accepting it. Loving it, embracing it, mastering it, and so much more.

Once you can do that, oh man, you can be so happy no matter what happens in life.

What’s a must have piece of equipment inside the April Gym?

AR: Hmmm. I would say, a sandbag! You can do so much with these bad boys. Since the pandemic I’ve been stuck at home and not able to train at the gym as much as I’d like unfortunately. I don’t have a lot of equipment at home, and I get bored easily with what I have but the sandbag always excites me! Get one!

Anything else you’d like to tell us?

AR: Just thank you for having me! Appreciate it more than you know 🙂


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