New York is a melting pot for global culture. There are so many interesting people living within the streets. As Jay Z famously put it “New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of, There’s nothin’ you can’t do, Now you’re in New York, These streets will make you feel brand new, The lights will inspire you, Let’s hear it for New York, New York, New York. Meet Sara, someone as NY as it gets. Read her full story here and follow her on Instagram at @foxxy.sara.

Who is Sara Bonavita?

SB:  Oh, that’s me. I’m someone that enjoys connecting with people through my photos and taking on new challenges. I believe in being true to myself and creating things that I’m proud to put into the world.

How did you develop an interest in fashion, beauty, and travel respectively?  

SB: My interest in fashion and beauty has always been there but has developed significantly over time. I think my own style formed when I got into different types of music. My first style transition was very “punk rock.” I wore ripped skinny jeans with writing all over them and those fishnet hand gloves. At the time, I thought that was who I was (much like any fourteen-year-old). I even bleached my hair to get it neon red, destroying it. As I got older, I started realizing what truly looked good on me through trial and error. I began watching YouTube videos to learn how to properly do my makeup. Like many other girls my age, when I discovered tumblr it inspired me to try all sorts of different looks. By getting ideas from other people, I eventually formed something that was entirely my own. It took time, but I’m happy I am where I am now.

My interest in travel started very young. I’m lucky to have parents that enjoy taking me to new places; I think that sparked a fire in me. I explored my city (New York) quite a lot when I was a kid. I was always thrilled to be in an airport or on a long drive. As I got older, I started to gain a huge interest in food through trying different restaurants. Oh, and of course coffee. Trying new cafes and restaurants is one of my favorite things to do. Overall, I’d say traveling is one of my biggest goals.

What have been some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced while traveling?

SB: I think the biggest challenge I face when I want to travel is the financial aspect. I’d love to travel more often or farther distances, but unfortunately, I’m still working on landing a job that supports frequent travel. When I do get to travel, I’d like to be able to stay in that location for more days at a time. Food, transportation, and hotels add up. New surroundings are important for my sanity, so I try to go new places whenever I can regardless. I’m currently saving up to go to Portland, Oregon.

What do you think is unique about your audience and the way that you engage with them?

SB: My audience is unique because they all follow me for different reasons. Some people reach out to me and tell me they want to see more fashion related content. Some people want to see more travel content. Some people even request more provocative photos. I think what they want from me depends on the individual person.

The way I engage with my audience is very personal. I often respond to questions in my comments and in my direct messages. I like my audience to know that I appreciate their interest in what I do in my everyday life. I also like to caption my photos with something meaningful at times. For example, sometimes I struggle with mental health. I posted a photo caption describing my experience with depression.  I think it’s good to be transparent about these things. It’s easy for everyone to assume you’re happy when you post pictures smiling and doing exciting things. The reality is that nobody has a perfect life. Photos can be deceiving.

How do you decide which brands to partner with, and how do you ensure that your fans are receptive to sponsored content?  

SB: I tend to be hesitant to trust brands, so as of now I’ve been trying to decide who to partner with. As for my fans, I know they’d support me in anything I choose to promote. I’d never promote anything I wouldn’t normally use or wear.

Being part of an industry, whose only emphasis is on the outside characteristics of a person, how have you stayed grounded?

SB: In the past, it took it’s toll on me. I compared myself to others too often and thought, “What does this person have that I don’t have?” The truth is that we’re all unique in our own way (I know it’s cliche but it’s true). I’ve been learning to practice self-love. It’s normal to get insecure, especially when there’s thousands of other people on your platform. You just need to remind yourself that you have something special to offer. My confidence has improved a lot and I want to show other girls they can love themselves, too.

You’ve worked as a model. What is the most annoying and most enticing aspect of this work?  

SB: The most annoying part is definitely figuring out who to trust and who’s willing to pay you for your time. I’ve had some photographers be very rude and demanding. I don’t appreciate it. I believe if someone is asking you to model, they should be willing to compensate you. The most enticing aspect of it for me is seeing the finished product. It makes the time spent feel worth it.

What are your three favorite trends at this moment?

SB: Well first, I love the freckle trend in makeup. I have freckles myself (I used to hate them), and I used to try to cover them. Now, I feel like hating my freckles was ridiculous. Many people find them beautiful and they should be embraced.

Second, I actually dig the scrunchie trend. Girls have been really rocking them.

Third, and I know this isn’t a new trend, but high wasted pants. They will never go out of style. They’re the superior pants. Period.

Where do you hope your Instagram journey takes you? What are you looking forward to in the new year? Anything we should be on the lookout for?

SB: I hope my Instagram journey continues to connect me with new people and new opportunities. I’m looking forward to stepping up my game. I plan to post more quality photos in new locations. I want to really, “wow,” people. I’d also love to do some more professional modeling. Definitely be on the lookout for that.

What’s the most overrated part of working in Social media?

SB: People think working in Social media is “easy,” but it’s not as simple as you might think. There’s a lot to learn and a lot of time spent trying to please your followers while attracting new ones. There are definitely times of disappointment and frustration.

Best moment/memory of 2019?

SB: I can’t lie, I think meeting Hozier was one of my best memories this year. That’s hard to top.

Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

SB: Just be true to yourself and be confident in whatever you do. I’m proud of where I am so far.


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