Everyone has their own journey and everyone has a way they lead their lives. The most important lesson to learn is that we are all human and terms like social influencer should not be taken so seriously. Meet Ashley or shes known on Instagram @Ashley.txmodel and read her full story on finding balance and how to deal with social norms.

Who is Ashely F?

AF: Ashley F is a friend first and a model and actress from Austin Texas second.

How did you develop an interest in fashion, fitness, and travel respectively?  

AF: My love for travel started young because I was a military brat and we visited different countries and moved to different states. Places like Poland, Singapore, Korea, Germany, Alaska, and Florida just to name a few. I now travel a minimum of twice a year. I make sure to use my passport at least once a year. In Alaska (ten years ago) I began my modeling career at 16 years old. Pursued fashion modeling for 9 years. My love for fitness came from years of competitive cheerleading. I fell in love with the art of molding your physique and decided to transition my fashion modeling to fitness based just a few months ago because I kept being asked about what it was I was doing. Being able to inspire and motivate others for a healthy lifestyle is why I chose to transition my vision for my social media.

What have been some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced while traveling?

AF: The biggest challenge I’ve faced is the culture differences. Everywhere you go, the culture can drastically change and learning how to adapt and interact with different people can be difficult. These could include language barriers, commuting differences like taking the train or subway, and all around interactions. The way a person drives or talks or social norms vary and you wouldn’t consider it until you’re staring those differences in the face.

What do you think is unique about your audience and the way that you engage with them?

AF: My audience is very a personal connection. I know a lot of those who follow me from my years of travel.  The ones I don’t know, I make an extra effort to respond to all messages and post to my audience a lot of my personal life. I want to seem real to them. A real person with real problems and someone who is goofy and makes mistakes. Because we all are human after all.

How do you decide which brands to partner with, and how do you ensure that your fans are receptive to sponsored content?  

AF: I am very selective with sponsored content. I have to believe in the items I’m pushing to my followers. If I haven’t tried your product and loved it, I won’t accept a partnership. My followers rely on me to be real.

Being part of an industry whose only emphasis is on the outside characteristics of a person, how have you stayed grounded?

AF: I focus a lot on mental health. I take care of my mind body and soul first and help promote that within my followers.

What do you think gets downplayed a lot in the fitness industry?

AF: The hard work that goes in to it and the struggles you face. Setbacks. The weeks you can be in a rut and maybe not step foot in the gym. I feel like it seems like it comes so easy. But it doesn’t. Takes dedication and have to be realize you’re human and you just have to get back to it.

What are your three favorite trends at this moment?


  1. I love that fitness is more of a trend all around.
  2. The leggings are to die for. That’s one thing I haven’t partnered with but I’m loving the variety and the accommodations companies are making for women to enhance the workout experience.
  3. The meal prep services trends. I’m obsessed with meal prep and love to eat it but hate to prep it. The convenience of having macro positive and healthy options without having to do it myself is a win win.

Where do you hope your Instagram journey takes you? What are you looking forward to in the new year? Anything we should be on the lookout for?

AF: I love meeting people and inspiring others to improve their life. I just want to be as authentic as possible. In the new year I’m really looking to launch my fitness modeling officially. Lookout for new fitness tips, personal guidance, mental health posts that are relatable and products worth using.

What’s the most overrated part of working in Social media?

AF: The superficial aspect and sometimes being treated like you aren’t allowed to be human or real. It can be hard knowing you’re being judged every day and to stay positive through it.

How do you balance the line between discipline and obsession?

AF: You have to have times set aside to disengage. It’s easy to check it 24/7 and I’ve been guilty of that but sometimes you just need to reset and give it a break. It’s not going anywhere.

Your personal life needs to be given attention too.

Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

AF: Everyone on social media, influencer or not, is HUMAN. I really can’t emphasize that enough. We all have flaws and insecurities. Especially being under a microscope 95% of the time. Stay tuned for some real stories about my struggles over the years, things I’m insecure about, and most importantly my journey through mental health. Don’t be scared to share your stories with me.

I love to hear from every single one of you. Thanks for giving me your time. I look forward to meeting you!


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