When life gets so hectic you and overbearing you need a way to find a shining light within the dark tunnel. We spoke to Julia — the bad ass lady behind @thehappinessrx on Instagram. Everything in life is a type of mindset and Julia is an expert when it comes to helping you break through. Take a few minutes and check her out.

Julia tell our readers a little about yourself, your 2 minute elevator pitch as they say.

JN: I’m a free-hearted spirit living in Barcelona working as a Rapid Transformational Therapist. I’ve made it my life’s mission to work with people to overcome their mental health and struggles so they can start living their dream life!

What is your favorite part about being a lifestyle / transformation blogger?

JN: I love being able to inspire others and helping them realize their full potential! I know that life can be hard and sometimes we just need a little bit of motivation and inspiration to get us going. I love the feeling that I can change someone’s life by helping them change their mindset.

How do you find balance prioritizing and juggling the work to be done for each area of your platform?

JN: It’s a daily hustle. I have a lot of tasks to do so I have to set aside time for each task that needs to be completed. I use trello to help me organize all of my projects and google calendar to block out for what’s necessary! The most important thing is being productive earlier in the day so I can rest and recharge and have some fun at night time!

Your Instagram page is vibrant, bright and uplifting. How do you stay so positive when everything around us can feel so backwards and downright depressing sometimes?

JN: I think being positive is a choice. Being an optimist is a choice. I’ve been on the other side of the spectrum where I let external events affect me so deeply that it numbs me. But I’ve learned that it’s all about perspective. At any point, you can choose happiness or love. Of course, I am human and I am not happy and positive all of the time, it’s really about realizing that sometimes things don’t go as planned, but that’s life so you just have to flow with it. Plus when you get trapped in being negative, it doesn’t help you, so why continue to do it?

What are your three favorite trends at the moment?

JN: I love traveling and I notice the younger generation is focused on traveling more versus obtaining material things. I think when you travel, you get to explore different cultures and it opens your eyes up to a whole new world! It’s great that we’re all getting out there and making memories because, at the end of the day, that’s what’s really important.

A lot of people benefit from the connectivity and instant exposure to millions found within social media when growing their brand.  On that note, what do you think are some of the most important qualities you think are required to be successful in the influencer space?

JN: In order to be successful, I think it’s necessary to know who you are, find a mission, and show up as that person. Social media can portray a different version of who people truly are, but I think when you can be real and honest, and just you, people really connect to that.

Lets talk photo shoots. What do you look for in the photographer when you’re looking to schedule a shoot. What are the must haves to work with you?

JN: I have to like the style of the photographer’s photos to work with them. There are so many amazing photographers out there but it’s all about their style and whether or not our vision of creating art together meshes.

Where do you get your taste in fashion?

JN: I’ve always been a girly girl and I love dressing up and looking pretty. I would say it came from looking at beautiful women in magazines and I started to model from them, but then developed my own taste along the way. My style always changes a little depending on my mood.

Why do you think people follow – and continue to follow- your blog and other social media profiles?

JN: I think that people appreciate that I have a bigger message than just looking pretty on social media. I’m here to make an impact and I think that people can relate and connect with my posts in some kind of way.

Tell us about how collaborations have played a role in your business. And any favorites you’ve participated in to date?

JN: I’ve worked with many clothing designers and bikini designers and it’s so much fun! The part I love most is getting a team together where we can bounce ideas off of each other and help each other out while getting great content from it!

General words of wisdom you live by…

JN: Life is too short to live small, so go and chase those wild dreams you have!

Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

JN: If you’re curious about my work, check out my website www.thedreamlifefoundation.com


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