We had a wonderful chat with our friend Yui, the girl behind the travel lifestyle of Instagram’s @colorsofyu. Being a jetsetter is a term that some of us just throw around, but actually doing it is another thing altogether. Take a small glimpse into Yui’s traveling adventures. Also having an Instagram husband helps.

Yui, can you tell us a bit about yourself, your story, and how you developed an interest in traveling?

Y: My name is YuYu and I am from Shanghai, China, currently living in New York. I started studying ballet at the age of 4 and began my dance journey until college year.  I continued ballet when I got into Joffrey in New York City years ago. My passion for performance will be forever.

I didn’t get to travel much because it’s not cheap to live in New York on your own without family.  I always stick to my plans and savings was a top priority.  When vacation time is available besides traveling to Shanghai to visit my family, I want to see the world and experience different cultures and taste the most authentic cuisine.

What made you want to document your lifestyle and travels on Instagram?

Y: I started documenting my traveling since my trip to Greece during the summer of 2016. It was quite a special experience for me and my partner since we were going through a very tough time together regarding our career changes and all the other fun stuff that’s going on with our life. We decided to take a trip and refresh our mind while experiencing something different and creating more memorable memories.

I think I always had the habit of taking photos whenever I travel anywhere. But many of those photos are just buried on my hard drive and never got to see the light of day. One day randomly, after looking at my photos from a trip to Greece a few years later I realized how all of it just refreshed my memories of what happened in my life during that period and how I was filled with joy and happiness to discover the world.

I randomly just posted with a brand new account on Instagram then after that, I kept on going whenever I see a picture that really caught my eye from the places I have been to. It doesn’t have to be current or the idea of posting publicly, it was simply just a picture and how it was captured under different lighting, perspective, and more importantly how it fits into the small frame of an Instagram post.

What are some Instagram accounts that inspire you?

Y: @gypsea_lust – I love the color she chooses and it taught me a good picture doesn’t have to be a selfie all the time and all the cool places she has been to with.

@doyoutravel & @songofstyle – Great style and successful with doing what she loves the most.

Yui describe your style in 3 words.

Y: Individuality, Comfort and definitely colorful

Where have been some of your most memorable travel destinations? What is it about those places that made them so memorable?

Y: I can’t pick because each trip has so much meaning to me and I can explain lol

Oia Santorini, most romantic place on earth. The caldera view of all the white cave architecture was unreal. And choosing to stay at our first boutique hotel just changed our entire experience of travel. The freshest seafood I ever had with unforgettable sunset view.

Barcelona Spain, because it was my first solo trip. My first Airbnb experience. It was convenient to have stayed inside the gothic quarter, great food and I have visited museums and experienced first hand Antonio Gaudi’s architecture. It was so grand to see such beautiful artwork and architecture with different shapes, colors and creative usage of materials.

Bali, Indonesia, I realize how much I enjoy living in the jungle with birds chirping and allowing nature to amaze me.

The Maldives, which is my most recent trip. I made a baby there so it’s life-changing. Baby sharks were swimming around you I think you get the picture.

What are the big dreams for @colorsofyu?

Y: Having opportunities to go to more places. I admire people just quit their jobs and just traveling around the world.

What’s your craziest travel story?

Y: That I went to Italy with no visa ended up being deported back to NY and got stuck at the airport in Milan for 24 hours.  I just sat there crying the whole time. The worst part is that my bestie had to travel solo in Italy for 7 days. I am so sorry Becky.

What central message do you hope your audience to take away through following your adventures? 

Y: That our lives are filled with colors

In what single way has social media changed your life?

Y: I am on Instagram 24/7 except when I am sleeping. And it’s not a bad thing. I love staring and admiring a good photo especially for the places and things I have yet to travel to or do.  We are just one click away to explore everything with our fingertips. And they are all real experiences for the people that you can relate to.

Anything else you want to share with us?

Y: Before having answered these questions I don’t think I ever had exact goals in my account. But now I think this gives me an idea and path to follow to continue my account with more focus. So thank you @tastedram Please don’t forget to show some love and support @colorsofyu – hit that follow button!!!


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