Get to know Amanda, the woman behind Instagram’s @TheRealHouseWine account and delve deeper in all the wine world has to offer.

Amanda, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?

AG: I started Wine blogging two years ago. Back then it was very informal, almost satirical, my former blog partner and I would write things like “this wine has great legs!” Haha. About a year in she decided to leave and I decided to start fresh: A complete and total rebrand. Because of my love of The Real Housewives, I decided to call myself The Real Housewine. I think it’s a good fit and I also keep things pretty “real” with my following as well. I just call things as I see it.

What has been your most memorable wine experience thus far? and most memorable wine bottle?

AG: The most memorable wine experience is when I got to travel to Napa Valley with my mother. She had a nice time and got to be treated like a queen, which is what she deserves. The most memorable bottle…..hmm….ask me in 5 years!

What advice would you give wineries or wine companies looking to use the Instagram social media platform to grow their brands’ image?

AG: Post regularly, utilize hashtags, find out the best time to post, and also utilize people who are well followed in social media. Influencer marketing is essential in this day and age. The era of the paper magazine is coming to a close. Everything is digital now.

What is “success” or “successful” for you?

AG: Being able to do what you want and be happy while doing it! So I guess by those standards, I’m successful. But I wouldn’t say I’m rich 😂

What are your favorite varietals and why?

AG: I’m not allowed to have favorite varieties, but I have a preference for Italian, NY state, French, Spanish, and orange wines. You know what Greek wine is really good, too. See? Can’t have favorites haha

Why wine? When did you start in wine and what was drawing you into the industry?

AG: So I’ve almost always drunk wine. I was that girl in those post-college years who was like no thanks I’ll bring the $20 bottle of wine, Save your flavored vodka, however, in the last two years is when it got serious, WSET classes, trade seminars, using my English degree to good use haha. Wine is a great unifier. People come together over wine.

What is your favorite travel destination and why?

AG: I’m very poorly traveled! Ask me again in 5 years!

If you had to do it again, what would you do differently?

AG: Absolutely nothing. We’re all exactly where we’re supposed to be at this point in time. I never question it.

For the wineries out there clamoring to get more visibility, how can they better embrace the wine influencer community?

AG: They need to set a budget for influencer marketing. It costs thousands of dollars for an add-in Wine Enthusiast magazine. Influencer marketing,  by those standards, is a steal. Many influencers charge <$200 a post!

Why is it so important for wine enthusiasts to properly store their wine?

AG: Oh my goodness!! Sooo many reasons!?! Do you like drinking paint cleaner!? Haha invest in a wine fridge, or keep your wine in a dark cool part of your home. If you don’t have that option, you better get drinking,  your wine won’t age well at all.

What are 3 of your top picks (any wine) – with at least one white, please?

AG: A wine that I think people need to try is the Dominico Clarico Barolo. These are fantastic wines!

St. Emilion is elegant and beautiful they also practice biodynamic and organic farming.

And for my white pick, well, it’s technically orange, but try the Josko Gravner Pinot Grigio. He uses old winemaking techniques and amphorae. There’s something primal about these wines, love them.

What has been the most rewarding experience running @therealhousewine account?

AG: I’m going to cry, but all the wonderful social connections I’ve made. Before wine blogging and creating wine-related content I  felt very lost and unsure of myself in the world. I felt like I had to be everything to everyone. I’d put a lot of pressure on myself to be a certain way. Now, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been! I feel like I’ve really found myself! Meeting like-minded people who share my enthusiasm made me realize why certain things in life never worked out! They just weren’t meant for me! I thank God for this opportunity and platform to share my love of wine. I love when people message me and tell me when they’ve tried a wine I featured. The best was when National Orange Wine Day was approved! To see so many people across the country drinking orange wine for the first time made me so happy.

Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

AG: Simply, that I’m grateful for them. Without you, The Real Housewine is nothing. Your input, your likes, views, and comments basically are the backbone of what makes this successful. I feel really lucky and appreciate all of you.


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