There’s business and then there’s a beard, but have you ever seen someone combine both lifestyles so successfully and smoothly into one? If you’re saying to yourself NO… then not to worry, we sat down and spoke to someone that might just be able to give us some insight into that world. Billy Morrison or as he’s best known on Instagram @Businessandthebeard is a long-standing gentleman, a husband, a father and an entrepreneur. Everyone thinks of themselves as an entrepreneur, but let’s be frank, there are the doers and then the dreamers. Billy recently turned his dream into reality. That ladies and gentleman is referred to as execution.

Billy, so many people know you as Businessandthebeard, can you tell us a little about yourself as a 2-minute elevator pitch?

BM: Sure, first of all, thank you for the chance to share a little about me, I really appreciate it.  I am a transplanted southerner now living in PA.  Grew up in VA, when to college in TN and lived in NC for 10 years before moving here in 2011.  Most recently I changed career paths from long-time businessman to Business Owner.  I have 4 kids, 3 girls and 1 boy ranging from 11-22.   And my beard is approximately 4 years old.  I think those are most of the highlights.

You do have quite an impressive beard, and I know you were in business, so what is Business and the Beard supposed to represent on Instagram? Is this your full-time job? What made you decide to join Instagram over any other social media platforms?

BM: BusinessandtheBeard started as a platform that was supposed to build a following and eventually lead to a podcast with some top business leaders.  I have been blessed to know and become friends with some great businessmen and women who have inspired and encouraged me.  Clearly, that shifted and the podcast is still something I may like to do someday but it’s on hold for now.

As for Instagram, I’m a very visual person.  I love photography and fine art, actually, my college degree is in art.  Instagram appealed to me because you can tell a story with a photo and a few words.  I have a twitter account that I never use because I can never think of anything to say.  Instagram just works for me.

You are the founder and creator of Vitola App. Can you give us a little more information about that?

BM: Definitely!  This is my baby and now full-time venture.  It was born out of a need I saw as a cigar consumer.  I have been smoking cigars for over 20 years and until very recently have always stuck to a handful of brands that I knew and trusted.  I always want to try new things but never knew what was good or where to find them.  From that, Vitola was born.

It is an app that will be launching this spring that will connect cigar consumers with cigar makers.  It will be full of cigar reviews and ratings along with recommendations based on your specific tastes and buying habits.  I am working with an amazing developer and company called Augbrite.  They specialize in augmented and virtual reality so the app will have some amazing features that have never been seen before in the cigar world.  My goal is to be the go-to app for cigar information, ratings, and purchases.

I will be sending all of my followers a free link to download and test it during the beta phase. I will also have some pretty amazing giveaways and incentives for the users who help test it.  So, if any of your readers are not following me on Instagram, they should so they can take part and win some cool stuff.

How do you think being in the finance and business field over the last 15+ years helped you start your own company today?

BM: Great question.  So most of my business experience is in some sort of sales.  Even in banking, my job was business development.  I love making friends and building relationships.  I have found that the most loyal customers are those who you are able to connect with and develop a personal relationship with.  Even though my business now is technology-based, I will remain accessible and in front of people to get their feedback, listen to their suggestions or complaints and make sure they are heard.  People want to feel valued and know that they have a place.  For me, that is a big driver for my company.  Connect with people and help people connect with each other.

Billy, you’ve been smoking cigars for over 20 years, you’ve had your share of Cubans and Non-Cubans. Is there such a drastic difference between the two, in terms of flavor, profile and construction? Also cigars 20 years ago both Cubans and None, how do they compare to those made today?

 BM: I’ve had some really good Cubans and I’ve had some not so good ones.  The biggest issue I have found is inconsistency with the quality; even from the same box.  I don’t think the novelty of enjoying a Cuban cigar outweighs the quality of some Dominican or Nicaraguan brands.  If I like it, I smoke it; Cuban or not.

What do you wish to see more from the tobacco industry? 

BM: I have gotten more involved in the industry now that I am working on the app.  There are so many government regulations that keep getting tougher and in some cases more ridiculous.  With new FDA regulations, I am worried that the boutique brands and smaller retail spots will be forced out of business.  My hope is that the industry can come together to support and fight for everyone, not just the big guys.  Cigar makers are a passionate bunch and that is what I love about the culture.  Each brand has a story and a history behind it, no matter how old or new they are.   I just want to see everyone have the chance to succeed in their dream.  I think the only way that will happen is if the industry as a whole is willing to work together to support each other.

Give us your top 5 list of best cigars of all time you’ve smoked. Number 5 is the best one. 

BM: Oh man, top 5.  Okay, here we go.

o 1 – Ashton Churchill – my first cigar ever and still a favorite

o 2 – LaBarba Purple – the Lancero is fantastic

o 3 – Cornelius and Anthony Gent – I’m a VA guy so we have that in common

o 4 – Behike 54 – I’ve only had a few and all of them were shared with a friend

o 5 – Opus X Perfecxion No. 2 – I had my first on in 1998 and always have some on hand

There are a lot of great accounts on Instagram that features cigar aficionados and aficionados. Give us your top 5 to follow. 

BM: Wow, you’re putting me on the spot.  There are a few that most of your readers probably know, Dan Hartman is fantastic and has become a good friend.  CigarBossman who you just interviewed is another one.  I won’t count those guys so here are 5 that I think most people don’t follow yet but should.

1 – @theoasisreport – he has become a friend and does some great, thoughtful reviews

2 –  @mini_cigar_review – his stories are phenomenal.  He posts nearly every night reviewing a new cigar.  He’s funny and makes me laugh every time.

3 – @bigsmokekw – Ali seems like the kind of guy you want to hang out and smoke with

4 – @errican – Erica has a great feed and is doing a lot of work to break down barriers for ladies in the cigar industry

5 – @aaronaiken – he is a cigar podcaster and writer for a cigar magazine he created

Where do you hope to see your business 5 years from now? 10 years?

BM: In 5 years I want the app to have the largest library of cigar reviews and ratings anywhere.  There are a ton of people who do reviews every year but only for top 25 or top 50 lists.  I want every cigar maker to have a presence on Vitola and have their products rated and reviewed by actual cigar consumers.  As for 10 years, I want to be able to leverage all of that information and data to help cigar retailers be more educated, sell better cigars and offer their customers recommendations based on real reviews.  From there, who knows, I’m just hanging on for the ride.

What is currently in your humidor? Anything special you’re saving for a special occasion?

BM: Yeah so I have an eclectic mix right now.  I’ve got a number of my favorite brands in there: LaBarba, Room 101, Caldwell, Ceron, Protocol.  I have probably a half dozen Cubans in there and another handful of Opus X.  I always have Opus in there just for nostalgia sake.  I don’t have any set aside for anything special but I’m sure I’ll grab something nice when the app launches.

You are half of a power couple and I believe she is also the main photographer behind Business and the Beard. Give us some tips for relationship dynamics that can apply both to the personal life and business.

BM: The best advice I have been given that covers both personal and business relationships is this, “Tell the truth”.  It sounds simple, and man it can be tough, but it is the most freeing way to operate. And yes, Jillian is my photographer and does an amazing job.  If people want quality content from a passionate person they need to go follow her right now!  @JillianBiehlMorrison She is doing some amazing things and having a blast doing it.  She is the most fun person I know and has made me a better man without a doubt.

Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

BM: Only that I am truly grateful for each and every person who follows, likes and comments on my posts. I have made some tremendous friends through Instagram and I’m so grateful for each and every one of them.

And to you, Gene, thank you for letting me share my story and for your continued support and encouragement.  I’ll be hitting you up for “the best pizza in Brooklyn” the next time I’m in the city


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