Taylor, could you introduce yourself and briefly describe your Instagram account — what’s your focus and the reason you started it? Do you see this as a business, a hobby, or something in between?

TL: Hey I’m Taylor and I am born and raised in the Dallas TX area. My Instagram page @mylovelyladyhops started out as a hobby that my boyfriend and I could do together. However, I soon realized how awesome the beer community was and now have opened my eyes to a business opportunity. Myloveladyhops is my own unique way of self expression combining the things I love most; beer, taking photos and being creative and getting to be an influencer. I try to be thoughtful about the beers I review and the creativity that I put into each post.

Let’s talk beer and whisky. You work at Whiskey Cake that is known for a pretty amazing whisky collection. You are also a lover of beer. What do you think is the difference between a person who fancies a cold brew over someone who walks into the bar for a vintage whisky neat. Or is it all just a preference for each?

TL: That person is one and the same.  There are so many complex beers with so many layers, as well as barrel aged beer that requires long aging, just as whiskey does. I don’t think there is a dividing line between the two.

Do you have a presence on other social channels and how do those differ to Instagram, in your approach to them and your experience there?  

TL: I actually have another Instagram @thewanderlustinme that is dedicated to lifestyle and traveling, which goes hand in hand with my blog taylorlong.me . Traveling is my first love and I’ve been to 22 countries and counting. My blog is a way of documenting the trips I go on for myself, but also to give tips on what to do, eat and drink in that city. Writing a blog is consuming work but something I enjoy. However, getting to have fun taking beer pictures and then enjoying that beer tops the list!

What advice would you give craft beer distilleries or beer companies looking to use the Instagram social media platform to grow their brand’s image?   

TL: The craft movement has created a tremendous amount of high quality breweries and distilleries. A high quality and enticing photo on social media, along with its packaging is probably just as important as the contents of the bottle itself. You can have delicious beer but if people don’t know about it, it won’t sell.  Find someone that you think represents your companies philosophy and send them free booze. Influencers that fit within your culture can have a huge impact on sales and traffic.

From your perspective what draws the followers to your photos? How do you keep them engaged in your experience there?

TL: Instagram is all about engaging and eye catching photos. It is imperative for my travel Instagram and blog that pictures are enticing, or nobody would pay any attention. I just took that idea and transported it into the beer world. I try to choose extraordinary beers to review that I feel my followers need to know about.

Let’s set the controversy straight. Whisky or Beer? If Whisky what is your go to everyday dram? Also what are some of your favorite local beers?

TL: I prefer beer over whiskey, however I do enjoy a good old fashioned when made properly (without a cherry). My go to dram would be Angel’s Envy right now. So many beers to choose from! A few of my favorites are Fiesty Blonde by HopFusion, Black Sheep Oatmeal Stout from Unlawful Assembly, Tropsicle from Collective Brewing Project, Velvet Hammer by Peticolas and the list goes on.

The greatest lesson you’ve learned in business is…

TL: Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution. – Einstein

How has your Instagram feed evolved over time? Any specific turning points?

TL: Honestly my content has remained consistent throughout its lifetime. I always post 2 pictures to 1 video. I feel like adding videos to my page allows for me to remain relatable and engaging. The turning point for me was my slack line video and the response I got to showing a hobby I love with my followers. That was the point I realized this could really be something special.

How often do you take a break from social media to recharge?

TL: Sometimes posts take a lot of work and energy, and to be on Instagram or social media everyday is draining, so I don’t. When I am surrounded by the ones I love, I feel that I am pretty good at unplugging and being in the moment. I have never taken an intentional break from social media.

What is your stance on influencers being paid to post about brands? Should influencers be transparent regarding payment for posts?

TL: Times have changed and being an influencer is a real job nowadays. I think transparency needs to be present between the influencer and the brand on what the payment is and what needs to be done to receive such payment. However, I don’t believe the consumer needs to know the particulars of the contract or deal.

On a personal note, what are some of the most important things in your life?

TL: My family and boyfriend plus my 3 dogs, and of course beer, are at the top of the list. Traveling is extremely important to me. I went backpacking a few years ago by myself around the world for months, and I miss it. So since I have a full time job, I try to go on multiple little trips throughout the year now to stay sane.

Anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

TL: I have something really big and exciting coming up! I can’t announce it yet, but follow me on Instagram and I will reveal the secret in the next couple of months. In the meantime, drink well my friends!


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